The example below can get you started.
In order to use it in your own optimization problem, you will need to define an objective function as it is defined in the run
function, and a Config
object. See the documentation for more information.
use pso_rs::*;
// define objective function (d-dimensional Rosenbrock)
fn objective_function(
p: &Particle,
_flat_dim: usize,
dimensions: &Vec<usize>
) -> f64 {
(0..dimensions[0] - 1).map(|i| {
100.0 * ((p[i+1]-p[i]).powf(2.0)).powf(2.0)
+ (1.0-p[i]).powf(2.0)
// define a termination condition (optional)
fn terminate(f_best: f64) -> bool {
f_best - (0.0) < 1e-4
let config = Config {
// dimension shape of each particle
dimensions: vec![2],
// problem bounds in each dimension
bounds: vec![(-5.0, 10.0); 2],
// maximum no. of objective function computations
t_max: 10000,
// leave the rest of the params as default
let pso = pso_rs::run(
let model = pso.model;
println!("Model: {:?} ", model.get_f_best());